The artists for the upcoming exhibition Sugar, Sugar have now been finalised and the show will feature ten female artists working with sugar as their medium. The artists include Matina Bourmas, Irianna Kanellopoulou, Judith Klausner, Stephanie Jones, Claire McArdle, Shelley Miller, Mylyn Nguyen, Janet Tavener, Claire Anna Watson and Elizabeth Willing. Works range from carefully carved cameos out of Oreo cookies by Judith Klausner to Shelley Miller’s sugar street art that will be installed on the 2 Danks Street building.
Progress on the catalogue is well underway with essays by myself, Olivia Welch and Cassandra Edlefsen Lasch. The catalogues will be available for purchase during the exhibition. For further information and media queries, please contact Brenda May Gallery. Read all posts related to this exhibition here and follow along on Instagram with the hashtag #sugarsugar2013.

Megan Fizell (@mfizell) says:
May 13, 2013
Sugar, Sugar exhibition #food #art
Rosa says:
May 13, 2013
A lovely exhibition, I’m sure.
Julie says:
May 14, 2013
I want a catalog please! And I love your cover artwork pictured above.
ami@naivecookcooks says:
May 15, 2013
Must be a great exhibition!
Big fan says:
Jul 6, 2013
Sounds interesting, good luck.