leaded favrile glass, 114 x 142.9 cm, The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art
Louis Comfort Tiffany was originally trained as a painter before pursuing the art of glassmaking in the late nineteenth century. He is linked with the Art Nouveau movement which embodies floral motifs with flowing and stylized curves (1). Tiffany preferred to work with glass that contained mineral impurities and often composed his decorative arts with a variety of colours and textures of opalescent glass. The natural jewel-like hues of pumpkin and beetroot are a fitting subject for an art work focused on saturated colour and light. Tiffany’s painterly background is evident with tonal variation used to denote the shape and the form of the organic shapes of the vegetables and the foliage.

As a staple dessert at any Thanksgiving Day celebration, Pumpkin Pie is deeply entwined with autumn harvest traditions. The New York Times recounts the pie’s history:
“First introduced to Tudor England by the French, the flesh of the “pompion” was quickly accepted as a pie filler. However, while pumpkin pie sailed with the Pilgrims back to the birthplace of its main ingredient — where it survived in more or less its original form — it all but disappeared in its country of origin.“
– The New York Times (2)
Traditionally spiced with ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, my addition of chipotle chili gives the pie a savory bend and an additional dimension of smoky heat.

Pumpkin Chipotle Tartelette with Beetroot Jam & Chevre
Paired with soft and sharp cheese, the tartlets are perfect with a crisp white wine as an appetizer.
Yield: 4 servings
2 pounds fresh pumpkin
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon dried chipotle chili
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of salt
frozen shortcrust pastry
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons buttermilk
2 tablespoons beet jam
2 tablespoons chevre
Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C. De-seed the pumpkin and remove the skin. Cut the pumpkin into cubes (about half the size of your thumb). Place on baking tray, greased with a 1/2 tablespoon of cold butter and drizzle with the maple syrup. Toss with your hands to evenly coat the pumpkin and bake in a oven for about 40 minutes until soft.
Puree the baked pumpkin in a large bowl with a hand blender until smooth. Add the butter, brown sugar, chipotle, cinnamon, and salt. Mix well. Meanwhile use the remaining 1/2 tablespoon cold butter to grease the tartlet
trays (or muffin tins). Use a small cup to cut the shortcrust pastry into circles. Carefully press each circle into the tartlet trays or muffin tins.
Once the pumpkin puree has cooled add the two eggs and buttermilk and mix well. Fill the pastry bases and slide into the 350°F/180°C oven for about 40 minutes. Carefully watch the tartlets to keep them from burning.
To serve top the tartlets with a small spoon of beet jam and chevre, dividing the cheese and jam among the tarts evenly.

Beetroot Jam
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 red onion, finely sliced
2 beets, grated
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 dried chili
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Heat the butter and the oil in a large pot and cook the red onion for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Once the onion is soft, add the beet, thyme, and dried chili and cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. With 20 minutes remaining in the cooking time, add the brown sugar and vinegar and continue to stir to keep the jam from burning. If the jam becomes too thick then add a bit of water to loosen it. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2 to 3 weeks.
Rosa's Yummy Yums says:
Nov 12, 2009
I love Art Nouveau. This stained glass is beautiful.br /br /What scrumptious tartlets! Nice combo!br /br /Cheers,br /br /Rosa
Lauren says:
Nov 12, 2009
Oh my Megan! They are so adorable! And the glass is beautiful – I love the colours!
Julie says:
Nov 13, 2009
I have always loved stained glass, and this one is especially pleasing with its fall colors. Your tarts look adorable.
Belle@Ooh, Look says:
Nov 13, 2009
Tiffany stained glass is lovely, isn#39;t it? I#39;ve been meaning to bake more tarts, so I will have to try the pumpkin and beetroot combo.
liz {zested} says:
Nov 13, 2009
Awesome – great post and seriously creative recipes! The little tarts definitely must have been tasty if you got Aussies to eat pumpkin. I#39;m very impressed that you made the pumpkin mixture from scratch.br /br /Thanks so much for the awesome collaboration!
Heavenly Housewife says:
Nov 13, 2009
I love this window of stained glass. I did stained glass for a while in school and really loved it. Oh, and of course the little tartelettes are just darling :D.
shaz says:
Nov 13, 2009
Ha ha – the beetroot look like they#39;ve been racing and left scorched tyre marks on the plate. Love the idea of adding chilli to the tart, sounds awesome.
Jaime says:
Nov 13, 2009
Tartlettes look delish! :)
Y says:
Nov 14, 2009
What a gorgeous little bite sized treat! Love the idea of beetroot jam.
Hungry Dog says:
Nov 14, 2009
Beautiful.And what an interesting idea for a little tartelette–I love the surprise of the chipotle.
dessert girl says:
Nov 14, 2009
Wow! Love the whole thing! The painting, the smeared beets, the pumpkin with chipotle chili…good stuff!
Forager says:
Nov 16, 2009
I like your photo of the beet smears – so simple but pretty! The tarts look excellent too :)
Julia @Mélanger says:
Nov 16, 2009
Just beautiful photographs!
Jill says:
Nov 18, 2009
I love visiting your blog to see what fantastic pictures you will choose next–this one is beautiful and I love the recipe! :)
Brad says:
Nov 18, 2009
I want to bake this as a pie, rather than tarts. suggestions? will it need a crust topper to get to the right flavor ratio, do you think?
Megan@Feasting on Art says:
Nov 19, 2009
@Brad – I also made this recipe as a full pie and it turned out just fine. I didn#39;t put a topper, just baked it a bit longer and tested to make sure the middle was cooked through.
3 hungry tummies says:
Nov 19, 2009
now thats a delicious looking tartlet!
Kitchen Butterfly says:
Nov 22, 2009
I love the paintings and the meal pairings
Yummm…. « DR. LILL says:
Nov 23, 2010
[…] ♥ […]