Henri Matisse – Stuffed Eggplant
The 1911 painting Still Life with Aubergines by Henri Matisse exemplifies the characteristics of the Fauvist movement with the wild brushstrokes and incongruent colours. The painting was completed during a period of flux in Matisse’s oeuvre, During this time in his career he was influenced by travel to Algeria and a major exhibition of Islamic Art...

Henri Matisse vs. Pablo Picasso – Sweet & Sour Chicken
Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse were two of the most influential Modernist artists working in the first half of the twentieth century. The two artists met in 1905 at one of author Gertrude Stein’s gatherings (Stein was a patron of Picasso’s). Their work was – and still is – often compared, and upon meeting, the...

Henri Matisse – Apple & Shallot Croquettes
As a Midwest girl I was very excited when Chicago blogger Dana from Real Food Rehab sent me an email regarding a collaboration. She very kindly interviewed me for her site and we quickly began to assemble ideas. The Art Institute of Chicago has always been very near and dear to my heart (it houses...

Henri Matisse – Orange Grapefruit Salad
Henri Matisse, one of the most illustrious 20th-century artists, worked in a beautiful fluid style with strong colour. His work was part of the Fauvist movement which was characterized by emotion expressed with incongruent colours, simplified forms to the point of abstraction, and wild brush strokes (1). A Vase with Oranges (1916) is representative of...