- (forthcoming) Presenter, “Sustainable Exhibition Design: Educating Through Eco-Friendly Practices,” THETA 2025 Conference Winds of Change, Perth, WA; 26 May 2025.
↳ Richard D’Avigdor Conference Award 2025, UNSW Library. - Co-presenter, “From Science to Art: Interdisciplinary Exhibitions at UNSW Library,” Arlis/ANZ 2024 Conference BEING SEEN, Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney, NSW; 28 November 2024.
- Opening speech for the exhibition Aftertaste, Fairfield City Museum & Gallery; 15 April 2023.
- Opening speech for the exhibition Love. Respect. Pride., UNSW Library, Sydney; 2 March 2023.
- Invited Speaker, “Curating Multisensory and Food-Based Art,” presented at SPARK: Museums. Ideas. Connections., convened by Museums & Galleries of NSW at the Art Gallery of New South Wales; 21 September 2022.
- PhD conference paper, “Affect and food art,” presented at Higher Degree Research Conference (Panel 5: Cultures; Performances; Mediations), UNSW Art & Design, Sydney; 24 October 2019.
- Invited Speaker, Backing Yourself As An Artist: Professional Development Short Course, convened by Suzanne Davey & Dr. Therese Kenyon, Eramboo Artist Environment, Terrey Hills, NSW; 9 March 2019.
- PhD conference paper, “Seer as Seen: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s concept of reversibility applied to food-art,” presented at Higher Degree Research Conference (Panel 4), UNSW Art & Design, Sydney; 4 September 2018.
- Invited Speaker, “The Still Life: Past and Present,” presented at The Last Supper: A Sustainability Talk for the exhibition The Last Supper by Ken + Julia Yonetani, Hazelhurst Regional Art Gallery; 12 April 2014.
- Audio Guide Recording for the exhibition Living Water: 75 years of water research at UNSW, UNSW Library, 17min: 56sec; August 2024.
- Radio Interview, “Arts Friday,” hosted by S. Lindeman, Eastside Radio 89.FM, 7min: 29sec; 27 July 2018.
- Radio Interview, “Arts Monday,” hosted by L. Ryan, Eastside Radio 89.FM, 21min: 22sec; 7 Sept 2009.