Feeling images and sensing words
Writing outcome from the Firstdraft Writers Program (2022-23).View on the Firstdraft website: https://firstdraft.org.au/writers-program-2024/feeling-images-and-sensing-words. This project experiments with synaesthetic writing to test the potential of language to express the perceptual qualities present in multisensory art encounters.(1) Following the increased reliance on web-based media to present contemporary art during the COVID-19 pandemic, the project responds to the...

Thinking about Bread and Art
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about bread. With panic buying, stay-at-home orders and general fear and anxiety over the current state of affairs due to the COVID pandemic, I can see I’m not alone in thinking about bread. There are dedicated hashtags on Instagram (see #quarantinebaking, #stressbaking, and #bakecorona) alongside a slew of think...

Affect and food art
Paper presented at Higher Degree Research Conference (Panel 5: Cultures; Performances; Mediations), UNSW Art & Design, 24 October 2019. Abstract: This art theory PhD examines instances of food art of the 20th century and its proliferation in 21st-century experience-based and immersive art practices. I propose that by employing edible materials, artists activate multisensory experiences that challenge the primacy of optical...

Seer as Seen: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s concept of reversibility applied to food-art
Paper presented at Higher Degree Research Conference (Panel 4), UNSW Art & Design, 4 September 2018. Abstract: This PhD research addresses modern and contemporary practices of food-art, analysing the rationales and aspirations that motivate artists, past and present, to incorporate edible materials into art. To do this, the project investigates philosophical debates regarding hierarchies of the senses,...

Futurists – Cubist Vegetable Patch
In 1932, two full decades after the first Futurist Manifesto, Italian artist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published La Cucina Futurista (The Futurist Cookbook); a collection of culinary related statements, newspaper articles, letters, accounts of banquets, and “formulas,” the Futurist term for recipes. This volume, which functions as an archive, outlines the various ways the Futurists used...

Alison Knowles – Salad
In 1962 Alison Knowles conceptualised a set of written instructions, also called event scores, titled Propositions. Number two of the set simply states “Make a salad”; a command that she has implemented over the past fifty years at a number of events. The simplicity of the written instructions allows for an expansive interpretation of the...

Rirkrit Tiravanija – Curry Paste
Rirkrit Tiravanija was born in Buenos Aires to Thai parents and now lives between Berlin and New York City. He uses food as a tool to facilitate social exchange in his “situations”. Beginning in 1989, he began using cooking as a means to create an art experiences where he cooks and serves meals to visitors....

MA Research degree in Art Theory at UNSW
I will be taking an extended break from the blog as I complete a research degree in art theory at the University of New South Wales. I am researching the use of edible materials within arts practice from the avant-garde to the present. This space will be sporadically updated with information about forthcoming curatorial projects....