Hello and welcome to yet another food project!! Everyone on the internet seems to have taken to the web to write about their kitchen exploits and I am no different except that each Monday I will be cooking a new painting! What’s that you say?? Cooking art?

The whole premise of this project is to explore the world of still life paintings and deconstruct them into ingredients for a recipe. Ideally the origin of the food will match the origin of the art but we don’t live in an ideal world but I promise I will do my best. My goal is to have one new recipe a week but consider it a bonus if I get out two. Each recipe will be accompanied by information about the painting, the artist and the cuisine with facts footnoted where applicable and I plan to photograph the entire recipe development process myself from start to finish.
I don’t quite know if I am crazy attempting this art meets food meets photography project but I guess we will soon find out! Please send me an email if there is a specific painting you wish me to tackle or if you are interested in my photography/writing. All words and pictures are copyrighted so please please contact me before using anything.
I do not claim to own the copyright of any paintings featured on this website. I will note the current copyright holder when I can find the information and please contact me if there are any problems with my use of the image.
Smoky and Spicy Red Pepper Soup
3 peppers, cut in half and deseeded
6 tomatoes
2 red chilies halved and deseeded
6 cloves of garlic, unpeeled
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 liter vegetable stock
olive oil
Feta cheese
Preheat oven to 425°F/220°C. Roast peppers, tomatoes, and garlic drizzled with olive oil for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes add the chilies and roast for another 20 minutes. After roasting let cool and tease away the skin from the tomatoes and add to pan along with peppers, chilies, and garlic squeezed from its skin. Add the stock and paprika and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
When done, add to blender and smooth. To serve add feta and a drizzle of olive oil (you could also add some mint).
zested says:
Apr 7, 2009
What a fun idea! Can I sugguest “Still-life with Quince, Cabbage, Melon and Cucumber” by Sanchez Cotan? It’s one of my favorite food paintings and not that well known. Plus it would be a fun challenge to work with those ingredients. I’ll be checking back to see what you’re up to!
tres jolie says:
Apr 7, 2009
@zested, Thanks so much for the suggestion. I am going to alternate between sweet and savory so I will work it in to the lineup. It is a really fantastic still life although it will be a challenge to get the apple and cabbage hanging in the ingredient shot!
SBerko9118 says:
Apr 19, 2009
This is a great idea. I was an art history major in college and for my final project in Pompeii and Herclaneum art I did still lifes with food in Pompeiian friezes. It combined my two favorites-food and art, so I am looking forward to reading your posts.
tres jolie says:
Apr 19, 2009
@SBerko9118br /br /I too was an art history major in college and did my final project on still life painting. I actually already have plans to do a Pompeiian frieze on the site but as you are the expert I would love any suggestions you might have. Thanks so much for your comment!!
SBerko9118 says:
Apr 20, 2009
I wish I could remember the specific works on which I focused–I graduated college so long ago at this point. My research was all done using books and slides. There were no computers yet.
tres jolie says:
Apr 20, 2009
Wow!! Slide research, that would have been difficult (I did a bit of work in the slide room at my University and I know about the rows and rows of little drawers). Although the internet was available when I wrote mine it only provided a superficial amount on information on the artist/artwork. The majority of my research was from books. I miss studying and that is one of the reasons I started this blog. You will have to let me know what you think of my Pompeii post when I finally get to it (most likely in the next couple of weeks).
MeetaK says:
Apr 24, 2009
megan just found your blog through tastespotting and i have to say i just love your concept – combining art with food and photography is innovative. br /br /i’ve subscribed so i should be around more often! happy blogging!
Feasting on Art Recipe Contest »Feasting on Art says:
Feb 18, 2010
[…] involved so don’t be shy, even if you’ve never left a comment please participate! The very first painting I posted here was a still life by Renoir and it seemed only appropriate to post another of his […]