Curating Multisensory and Food-Based Art
On 21 September 2022, I presented the talk “Curating Multisensory and Food-Based Art” at the Museum & Galleries of NSW’s event, SPARK: Museums. Ideas. Connections., at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. This talk surveys curatorial projects staging multisensory encounters where audiences see, hear, feel, smell, and sometimes taste the artworks on show. It...

Lecture: Still Life Talk at Hazelhurst Regional Art Gallery
I have been invited to speak about the history of the still life at Hazelhurst Regional Art Gallery on Saturday 12 April at 2pm. The talk is special event for the exhibition The Last Supper by Ken + Julia Yonetani which features a 9-metre banquet table cast from salt. I will be speaking about the...

Art + Food: Beyond the Still Life at Brenda May Gallery
The curated group exhibition Art + Food: Beyond the Still Life at Brenda May Gallery in Sydney, considers the representation of food within the visual arts and beyond the standard still life tableaux. The consumption of food is a universally shared experience, enabling people viewing the exhibition to connect with the issues surrounding consumerism, food production...

Ken + Julia Yonetani – Preserved Lemons
In French, the term ‘still life’ is nature morte, which literally translates to dead nature. In Ken + Julia Yonetani’s Still Life: The Food Bowl (2011), the irony is not lost that a still life, depicting the nourishing foods that maintain life, is cast in a substance that simultaneously preserves food and prevents growth –...